Friday, April 13, 2007


Unfortunately it seems that these days there is no way of avoiding some stress in our lives. This is a sad fact but one that is basically unavoidable. We have so much stress and anxiety due to heavy workloads and too many responsibilities and it really seems to bear down on all of us. To overcome the stressful world that we live in it is very important to have some effective stress management tips are extremely effective and best of all they are totally natural and free. Next time you think of reaching for some medicine or alcohol to relieve stress try these different methods of relaxation first. They are better for you and will do you so much good. I grew up watching Ozzie and Harriet, I Love Lucy, and Leave it to Beaver, all in living black and white way back in the fifties. Although they were married couples, they NEVER shared a bed and always went to sleep fully dressed. They had children and so we assumed that they had “done it” at some point, but sex was never mentioned or even hinted at. As a pre-teen, I figured that I would learn the basics through osmosis or at school. After all, my parents didn’t try to bring up the subject. There were few ads or commercials that used sex to sell in that era called the Dark Ages. But, once I went away to college in the late sixties, it all changed. The Beatles brought forth “free love” and everyone was “doing it” at Woodstock. We were no longer sexual virgins. I was a college freshman and a girl invited me over to see her dorm room. After spending an hour together, seeing her stuff, I left to go to dinner. Months later I was told by one of her close friends that she was expecting me to have sex with lyrics her. Looking back, I then recalled that we had spent a lot of time talking to her on her bed. Boy, was I naive. But I didn’t know all the new rules of seduction. Instead, I continued to remember the morality of the fifties where sex wasn’t discussed in private, let alone in public. So I fumbled my way through my first real sexual encounter a year later and learned as I went along. Sure, I had seen Playboy Magazine and even thumbed through the National Geographic in my youth. I was an art student and experienced life drawing classes. I knew anatomy and what went on between adults. But sex was still just something that was both secret and mysterious. Enter the Seventies. I began to have a girl friend. We bought some sex position books and gave them a try. We even tried oral sex. It was okay but not great. We were tentative and not very good. But now sex was on the front page of Cosmopolitan Magazine and on every talk show. Bikinis and thongs were common and Victoria Secrets and Fredrick’s of Hollywood showed up at the malls. Younger kids were having sex and the music of the times had more explicit lyrics. The abundance of liquor and drugs probably helped as well. Years later, I married and became aware of family members and friends. Looking for fresh sex outside the home means that there is a sexual disfunctionalism that needs attention. In this current world of sexual openness, there are no excuses any more. The answers are out there if you can only take the time and trouble to seek them and perhaps save your marriage at the same time. I’m a husband and dad, so don’t forget about another great fifties show, Father Knows Best. Class dismissed.